Case Studies

Using Interactive Kiosk for Work-in-Process applications


Most of our customers know that we, at AML, manufacture our own products, like our interactive kiosk and mobile computers. So it would only make sense that we would use our own products to maximize efficiencies and improve our own processes, right? Well that wasn’t always the case. For years we used paper-based “travelers” to track the assembly and testing of our products. Each critical component and assembly was logged, as was every test procedure and inspection. The result was boxes and boxes of paperwork with information that was almost impossible to access. It was just a procedure for the sake of having a process.

We needed something better. We need assemblers to be able to quickly build a historical log of all the major components and assemblies used in a product, along with when and how it was tested, and the results. More importantly, we needed a way to recall that data at some time in the future, should the need arise.


The solution was a web-based software program developed in house that logs and tracks progress of devices in production. The system uses a series of AML Monarch kiosks as the user-interface. The system is viewed in a web browser on each device. Users simply login to gain access to the tools relevant to their role within the production flow. At any time, a user can scan the barcode of a device and instantly view the entire production history. The system is also used to create, edit and issue temporary engineering instructions (TEI) and engineering change notices (ECN) that are updated in production immediately upon approval and release.

“…a user can scan the barcode of a device and instantly view the entire production history…”


The result is a paperless system that frees production workers from manually recording data and allows quick and accurate barcode entry using the scanner on the Monarch interactive kiosk. It also provides immediate access to the history of a device from birth to shipment, which is very useful if a product is returned from the field with a defect. All data storage is now electronic and not a shred of paper is used other than the packing list when the product is shipped out the door.

About the AML Monarch

The Monarch Interactive Kiosk is a new dimension in user-facing technology. For the first time, x86-64 architecture is incorporated into a small-form factor, low-power stationary kiosk.

The power and performance of the Monarch opens the door to a broader range of application possibilities and elevates the user experience to a whole new level.

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