High Performance Mobile Computers for Barcode Data Collection

Mobile Computers, Wearables, & Kiosks

Mobile Computers

AML provides a variety of built-for-purpose barcode-centric mobile computing devices that include batch and wireless handhelds.


Our enterprise-ready kiosks deliver a robust interactive user experience in a small form-factor package.


AML’s mobile computers are preloaded with built-in utilities and software designed to give you all the tools for easy training and faster deployment.

Featured Product

AML Striker Industrial Mobile Computer

Striker is the continuation of AML’s development of American-Made, Android-based mobile computers. A smaller, more lightweight version of our popular Scepter mobile computer, Striker delivers on affordability, durability, and versatility.

About AML: Mobile Computer and Kiosk Manufacturer

We are proud to promote the fact that our products are Made in the USA. Not only have we been creating jobs and contributing to the community for more than 35 years, but we are living proof that manufacturing can be successful here at home. We engineer, manufacture and service our products all under one roof in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, in Texas. Our employees are accessible and available to provide assistance to our partners and our customers. We provide a level of service thought to be long-gone in this world of automated attendants and off-shore technical support lines. Here, the “A” in AML, stands for American. 

AML's US-based Highly Experienced Support Team

As wonderful as technology is, sometimes we all need a helping hand. Maybe we just have questions. Maybe the technology just isn’t cooperating. At AML we understand that the best kind of technical support has shorter wait times and doesn’t leave you second-guessing whether you’ll get a call back. Good technical support is being able to speak with someone that knows the product intimately and can answer all your questions now, not later. The average tenure of our tech support team is 9 years. Call them. They know their stuff.

AML’s Buy and Try Demo Program

Investing in technology can sometimes be substantial and, to a degree, risky. There are lots of moving parts with hardware, software, integration, installation, and training. Being able to test-drive the technology and make sure everything works as planned, can be comforting. At AML we understand that, which is why we have a liberal program for demonstration equipment for our industrial mobile computers and kiosks.  There are some qualifying requirements and the demo program does not extend to LDX10 or TDX20 mobile computers. An AML Sales Associate will be happy to explain the details of the program.

AML’s Data Collection Software DC Suite

Our DC Suite software gives users instant access to seven pre-written applications for common, everyday barcode data collection tasks. Common tasks like cycle counting, asset tracking, or simple check-in/check-out procedures can be accomplished with DC Suite apps already pre-written and loaded on the device. In addition to those easy-to-use applications, users can also use DC Console, the companion program generator, to edit existing DC Suite apps or create new apps. DC Suite runs on all AML Windows® and Android® mobile computers and comes pre-loaded on the LDX10, TDX20, M7225b, and Striker. Best of all, it’s free. No license required.

AML’s Price Checking Software StoreScan

Contemporary retailers provide price verification systems, or “price checkers”, to their shoppers as a convenience. The integration of a price checking system may be complicated by completing the task of retrieving accurate price and description information from the store POS system. However, AML’s StoreScan software and price checking implementations are greatly simplified. StoreScan runs on any AML kiosk and includes a configurable, web API interface that will work with many existing retailer web services with no software development required. No existing web services? No problem. StoreScan Server can be installed on the store server and simply requires a periodic uploading of fresh price data to a .csv data file.


Ready to Download AML Barcode Data Collection Products
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If you are having difficulties with receiving your software download file, please contact us directly. Or call 800-648-4452